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To compile the VirtualBox modules provided by virtualbox-host-dkms, it will also be necessary to install the appropriate headers package(s) for your installed kernel(s) (e.g. linux-lts-headers for linux-lts). [1] When either VirtualBox or the kernel is updated, the kernel modules will be automatically recompiled thanks to the DKMS pacman hook.
virtualbox-host-modules-arch and virtualbox-host-dkms use systemd-modules-load.service to load VirtualBox modules automatically at boot time. For the modules to be loaded after installation, either reboot or load the modules once manually; the list of modules can be found in /usr/lib/modules-load.d/virtualbox-host-modules-arch.conf or /usr/lib/modules-load.d/virtualbox-host-dkms.conf.
It is also recommended to install the virtualbox-guest-iso package on the host running VirtualBox. This package will act as a disc image that can be used to install the guest additions onto guest systems other than Arch Linux. The .iso file will be located at /usr/lib/virtualbox/additions/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso, and may have to be mounted manually inside the virtual machine. Once mounted, you can run the guest additions installer inside the guest.
In order to avoid having to install the guest system manually, some operating systems support unattended installation. This allows the user to configure the system to be installed in VirtualBox's interface prior to starting the machine. At the end of the setup process, the operating system is installed without requiring any further user interaction. This feature requires the virtualbox-unattended-templatesAUR package.
The Oracle Extension Pack provides additional features and is released under a non-free license only available for personal use. To install it, the virtualbox-ext-oracleAUR package is available, and a prebuilt version can be found in the seblu repository.
How to install virtualbox on windows 10
Virtualbox vs vmware: which one is better
Virtualbox extension pack download and installation guide
How to create and manage virtual machines in virtualbox
Virtualbox guest additions: what are they and how to use them
How to share files and folders between host and guest in virtualbox
How to enable usb support in virtualbox
How to clone a virtual machine in virtualbox
How to resize a virtual disk in virtualbox
How to convert a physical machine to a virtual machine in virtualbox
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How to install macos on virtualbox
How to install linux on virtualbox
How to install windows 11 on virtualbox
How to install ubuntu on virtualbox
How to install kali linux on virtualbox
How to install centos on virtualbox
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How to install debian on virtualbox
How to install oracle linux on virtualbox
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How to install os/2 on virtualbox
How to install openbsd on virtualbox
How to install freebsd on virtualbox
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How to install windows 95 on virtualbox
How to install windows 98 on virtualbox
How to install windows xp on virtualbox
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How to install windows 7 on virtualbox
How to install windows 8 on virtualbox
How to enable 3d acceleration in virtualbox
How to enable nested virtualization in virtualbox
How to enable hyper-v support in virtualbox
How to enable sound in virtualbox
How to enable network in virtualbox
How to enable clipboard sharing in virtualbox
How to enable drag and drop in virtualbox
How to enable seamless mode in virtualbox
How to enable vrde server in virtualbox
How to enable encryption in virtualbox
How to backup and restore a virtual machine in virtualbox
How to export and import a virtual machine in virtualbox
How to migrate a virtual machine from vmware to virtualbox or vice versa
VirtualBox command line interface: how to use it and what are the commands
If starting through the desktop entry, follow the instructions in Desktop entries#Modify environment variables and change the lines starting with Exec=VirtualBox ... to Exec=env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb VirtualBox .... If starting from the shell, alias (Bash#Aliases) virtualbox to env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb virtualbox.
Install "vbox-ssl-cacertificate.crt" certificate from %userprofile%\\.virtualbox\ and then reboot. If you don't have .virtualbox folder - launch "Oracle VM VirtualBox" once and this folder will appear.
Two line answer: For wired connections it will work smoothly, for wireless turn on 'Promiscious mode' if your wireless adapter does not support promiscious mode, here is the link to workaround. Also visit offical oracle virtualbox documentation to see more details here on using bridged connection over wifi.
To install VirtualBox, you need to install the packages virtualbox and linux*-virtualbox-host-modules. The latter must match the version of the kernel you are running. To list what kernels is installed use mhwd (example)
VirtualBox shared folders can only be mounted after the virtualbox-guest-additions service has been started. Since this happens towards the end of the bootup sequence (OpenRC), a shared folder mount in /etc/fstab will fail. Either:
When the app-emulation/virtualbox package fails to build because the javac command cannot be found (even with a Java JDK (Java Development Kit) and a Java JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed), it is likely the JRE has been set as the default system-vm. JRE packages do not contain javac. Make sure the correct system-vm (JDK) has been selected using the java-config command and then try rebuilding virtualbox. More information can be found in the Installing a virtual machine section of the Java User Guide.
Some users have issues with the app-emulation/virtualbox-modules package failing to build. This can be caused by an improper kernel/profile configuration. Verify the chosen kernel and the selected profile match each other. For example, if a hardened profile is set, a hardened kernel should be used. If a default AMD64 profile is set, then the default gentoo-sources should be used. Run the eselect command to view the list of profile options:
Looking at the output of these two commands, a user can determine if the system is setup properly (the profile matches the kernel) and should have no issues installing app-emulation/virtualbox-modules. Remember: Make sure the system profile and the selected kernel match!
There are reports Windows 11 guest freezes in VirtualBox 7+ with app-emulation/virtualbox-additions-7*, 3D disabled, VBoxSVGA and Hyper-V enabled. To work around the issue try downgrading to app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle-6* and app-emulation/virtualbox-additions-6*. If you have an existing VM, take a snapshot and downgrade the additions. If the downgrade fails (VM fails to boot), revert to the snapshot and try installing the guest additions in Safe Mode.
To install the latest stable version of VirtualBox, you need to first download the virtualbox.repo configuration file using the following wget command and then import the public key using the rpm command.
The machines themselves are definately portable (ie the VM images) but I would have doubted that the VirtualBox software itself would be. That was until I did a Google search for "virtualbox portable". The first result say that yes indeed it is possible and includes a link to the second result which has downloads of Portable-VirtualBox!